What is Ponding Water in Roofing

Two words you never want to hear from your roof experts is “ponding water.” Ponding water occurs on roofs with flat sections. Water collects there from rain or melting snow and is unable to runoff due to the lack of roof slope. This can cause a host of issues and requires immediate attention from yourself and an expert.

Recognizing Ponding Water

What is Ponding Water in RoofingIf you have a home or business with a flat roof you should check regularly for water ponding, especially after heavy rain or snow. Without checking regularly, the first clue that water is ponding on the roof will likely be a leak indoors. Watch for wet spots on the walls or ceiling below the roof.

You are more likely to experience ponding water if there is a low spot on your flat roof. Checking the level across your roof before storm season can clue you into where ponding issues might crop up.

The Dangers of Ponding Water

Have you ever carried a crate of water from the grocery store to your car? If so, you may have been shocked by its weight. A gallon of water weighs just over eight pounds.

When you experience ponding water on your roof, an unexpected amount of weight is added to the structure of your home or business. This can be dangerous as roofing materials may not hold up the added weight and leak or collapse completely.

Even if you are not in immediate danger of the water penetrating through roof materials, damage can be done with these surfaces remaining wet. Roofing materials are not designed to stay submerged in water. Furthermore, water can make UV light from the sun more intense and age the roof faster.

Removing Ponding Water

Once you spot ponding water, you’ll have to get the standing water off your roof. If there is any concern that the water has already affected the structure of your roof (visible internal leaks are a clear sign of this), don’t try to remove the water yourself. The roof may not be stable to walk on.

Instead, call in experts like The Roof Doctors to verify stability and clear off the water. They can do this with push brooms or other tools, but will most likely want to discuss a permanent prevention plan to drain the water away.

Preventing Ponding Water

Once the water is clear, you’ll need to come up with a plan to address the water ponding issues. Leveling your flat roof is a good first step to prevent any low spots that encourage worse pooling. Your roof experts can fill in the low spots with flexible membranes that level the roof and prevent water from gathering in that spot again.

Adding a drain to a flat roof is the best way to prevent ponding water in the future. Work with The Roof Doctors to install the right kind of drain that prevents clogging from debris and keeps water flowing off the roof.

Water ponding on your roof is dangerous to your building. Don’t wait to act on clearing this water and preventing its return. Call The Roof Doctors at (207) 772-2719 to tackle your ponding issues today.

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